research data association Identifying correspondences between measurements is a key capability for robotic perception and estimation. multirobot object tracking Tracking moving objects from multiple robots in the presence of localization uncertainty. aerial manipulation Flight control and state estimation (plus perception-based obstacle avoidance) for hexarotor with tilted propellors. Used for automated transport. aclswarm VIO-based distributed formation flying using custom ADMM-based optimization solver. side esp32imu Custom PCB with WiFi-enabled microcontroller and ICM-42688 IMU. Housed in 3D printed cube for attitude estimation tests. adaptive gyro filtering null the vibration of multirotor motors from IMU measurements before being used for control and estimation. Anticipation-augmented VINS-Mono Reduce computation by intelligently selecting which features to track. Anticipate rotation of camera and choose features that will remain visible. Trajectory Optimization High-speed multirotor flight through a window. Robot Soccer vision-based, autonomous robots playing soccer! historical